Entity Degreaser DG15 is a great product for cleaning greasy and oily parts of the bike.
A clean bike not only loos good, it functions better and protects it against unwanted wear and tear.
(For best practices wash the chain first with Entity Chain cleaning Kit, DG30 and DG45).
- Spray the greasy and oily parts with DG15 and let sit for a few minutes, but no so long that it goes dry. Be careful to spray only the parts you want cleaned with the degreaser and will rinse later with water.
- Scrub the stubborn grime with a brush.
- Rinse the degreased areas with pressurized water, removing all the degreaser and dirt. Be careful not to spread degreaser, grease or oil onto the braking surfaces.
- Stubborn grime will require multiple attempts.
- A final clean of the bike with DG80 Bike Wash is recommended.
- Dry the bike with a soft cloth.
- Lubricate the chain with either LB15 and LB30.