Second only to inflating your tyres, lubricating your chain is one of the simplest yet important DIY maintenance steps that every bike rider should do. A dirty or squeaky chain increases friction which both slows you down and prematurely wears out your drivetrain components.
Entity Wet Lube LB15 has been designed for riding in all conditions including the wet/muddy days. It has been formulated to penetrate deep into the chain links, repel water and keep all the small moving parts lubricated. The special properties of the lube help to improve shifting and reducing wear.
Directions of use:
- Clean the drivetrain thoroughly before applying the lube. We recommend the
Entity Chain Cleaner DG30 and Entity Chain Scrubber DG45 for best results. - Wipe any excess water or chain cleaner from the chain with a dry cloth and let dry. Take this time to inspect the chain for problems.
- Apply an even coating of Entity Wet Lube LB15 to the chain whilst spinning the pedals backwards.
- Wipe any excess lube from the chain.
- Don¡¯t let this lubricant touch the brake surfaces.